Warrnambool Motorcycle Club – Track Re-build

Warrnambool Motorcycle club receives a fresh motocross track
We where received a great opportunity from the Warrnamabool motorcycle club located in Alansford Vic, Australia
To re-design and build their existing Motocross track.
Early 2022 the club was affected by substantial flooding which had left the main motocross track in ruins.
We where contracted by the club’s committee members to:
- Re- design the layout of the track creating a flowing fun safe track for all rider abilities
- Build the motocross track
- Lift all low lying area’s around the track
- create water truck lanes around the New track
- Configure safe Motorcycling Australia approved Flag Marshall points around the track
- Create Motorcycling Australia track maps and Emergency evacuation maps for re-licencing the new motocross track
- Create water point / Flag Marshall map for club use.
- Create a motocross track that has the potential to hold a National motocross event – ProMX
We love working with Motorcycle clubs to help create safe fun enjoyable tracks that everyone can enjoy.!
Track Length
Clay Based
Soil Type
Track Type